Enjoy a more affordable phone with the Xiaomi Mi 8 SE Snapdragon 710 Smartphone. Using a Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 chip, this smartphone comes with a 5.88-inch notched display. The special edition version of the Xiaomi Mi 8 uses MIUI 10 software on top of Android 8.1 Oreo. It offers 4GB or 6GB RAM along with 64GB of storage. The screen is a Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen with 16M colors to bring all of your content to life. The screen is also protected by ultra durable Corning Gorilla Glass. In addition, it has a 12MP and 5MP rear camera with dual pixel autofocus. Recording videos up to 4K at 60 frames per second, the front-facing camera is 20MP. The Xiaomi Mi 8 SE comes in four colors including gray, blue, red, and gold.