Take your everyday look to all new levels with the TGrimm Sneakers Artistically Designed Shoes.
Loaded with personality, each pair of these shoes features an original design from Korean fine artist Tony Grimm.
At first glance, you’ll notice the wonderfully unique patented wrinkle pattern. Using Tyvek, these shoes have a permanent texture that you can both see and feel. The artwork is Tony Grimm’s pen drawing which is inspired by Picasso’s “The Dream.
” In addition, the heel and toes are complete with genuine leather accents for added sophistication and comfort.
In addition to their striking style, the TGrimm Sneakers are truly practical for everyday wear. They’re waterproof yet totally breathable and even shock absorbing. Concealed inside is a 1.5-inch heel, adding just the right amount of height. The lightweight shoes are impressively durable as well as resistant to UV and chemicals