It can be difficult to focus with constant distractions around, but the Narbis Brain-Training Glasses help. This wearable eyewear trains your brain to attentively engage with whatever you’re trying to do. To do this, the neurostimulation glasses darken when you look away from your task. Essentially, if you get distracted from your reading and look up at the television, these concentration glasses turn dark. When you look back at your book, homework, or other task, the Narbis glasses lighten again. That way, these wearable tech ensure that you won’t be able to do anything but what you set out to do. This eyewear can help you build a reading habit, and it can also help those who have ADHD or issues staying focused.
Narbis Brain-Training Glasses teach you how to focus on the task at hand
Narbis Brain-Training Glasses teach you how to focus on the task at hand
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