Do more on the go with the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 2021 HarmonyOS tablets, which come in 10.8- and 12.6-inch form factors. Both work with the HUAWEI HarmonyOS platform, and the former offers a Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 chipset. Alternatively, the latter runs on HUAWEI’s Kirin 9000E chipset. However, while the smaller size has an LCD display, the MatePad Pro 12.6 has an OLED FullView Display. Moreover, the MatePad Pro 10.8 has a 13 MP rear camera and a punch-hole camera. And the 12.6″ size has three rear cameras: main, ultrawide, and 3D depth sensor. Another difference is that the larger option has a 10,050 mAh battery, and the smaller has a 7,250 mAh battery. The 12.6″ HUAWEI MatePad Pro 2021 tablet also provides a 60 Hz refresh rate, a 90% screen-to-body ratio, and 5.6 mm bezels. You can use either option with the 2nd-gen M-Pencil, too.
HUAWEI MatePad Pro 2021 HarmonyOS tablets come in slim-bezeled 10.8- and 12.6-inch sizes
HUAWEI MatePad Pro 2021 HarmonyOS tablets come in slim-bezeled 10.8- and 12.6-inch sizes
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Both models support the new smart keyboard and 2nd-gen M-Pencil.