If you’ve ever wanted a giant Lego sculpture in your living room, Yusong Zhang Lego Coffee Table is perfect. Containing over 10,000 individual blocks, the table is one hundred percent Lego, no glue or screws. Each individual level is a separate color, one green, one yellow, one red, and one white. This table isn’t a small piece either. At 15 inches tall and 31.5 inches wide, it truly is a full-sized, functional coffee table. Yusong Zhang, a lifelong Lego lover, considered this project a challenge for himself. He wanted to build something that could truly function as a piece of furniture. As it is, he succeeded majorly at his goal. Zhang has created an intricately-designed piece of furniture that’d look good in anyone’s living room. And, he did it using Legos.
Yusong Zhang Lego Coffee Table is the most intricate Lego sculpture on the market
Yusong Zhang Lego Coffee Table is the most intricate Lego sculpture on the market
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