Game and stream with confidence on the Nubia REDMAGIC 7 smartphone. It’s equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor to keep up with demanding tasks and high-performing games. In fact, the built-in Adreno GPU is 25% more efficient and renders graphics 30% faster. Moreover, the Nubia REDMAGIC 7 has a refresh rate of up to 165 Hz on a 6.8″ AMOLED HD full-display screen. It also supports 60 Hz, 90 Hz, and 120 Hz multilevel adjustments to best fit frame rate speeds of any game. This gaming smartphone also protects your eyes while you dive into immersive gameplay. In particular, DC dimming reduces stroboscopic effects and helps prevent eye strain. Meanwhile, it uses active and passive heat dissipation methods that effectively continue running cool even during intense gameplay. Finally, this gaming phone boasts a 4,500 mAh battery and charges 10 100% in just 25 minutes.
Nubia REDMAGIC 7 smartphone features a 165 Hz refresh rate and a Qualcomm processor
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Nubia REDMAGIC 7 smartphone features a 165 Hz refresh rate and a Qualcomm processor
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It keeps cool even during intense gaming sessions.