Invest in a revolutionary piece of tech: the OPPO Air Glass AR eyewear. Equipped with advanced technology, the Spark Micro Projector and cutting-edge Micro LED, this eyewear supports four different user interactions through voice, touch, and head movement and motion. As a result, you can access information faster and easier rather than reaching for your phone. Designed to revolutionize how you view and consume information, the OPPO Air Glass boasts an easy-to-use display. Furthermore, this eyewear also comes with preinstalled apps, including Weather, Calendar, Health, Teleprompter, Translation, and Navigation. Additionally, the screen presents key messages in front of your eyes with a brightness of up to three million nits. Additionally, OPPO’s self-developed Spark Micro Projector is the size of a coffee bean to create a lightweight, functional pair of glasses. This projector features a CNC metal enclosure to provide exceptional heat dissipation and stability.
OPPO Air Glass AR eyewear supports touch, voice, head movement & hand motion interactions
OPPO Air Glass AR eyewear supports touch, voice, head movement & hand motion interactions
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