The Rockwell Model T is shaving, perfected. All other razors pretend everyone’s face and facial hair is the same, resulting in millions of men suffering from daily shaving irritation and overpaying for razor marketing gimmicks or subscriptions they don’t need. The Rockwell Model T is an intuitive, easy to use razor, with an adjustable dial that allows everyone to easily get a close and comfortable shave. The adjustable dial moves fluidly between shave settings 1 through 6, so you can customize the shave to your skin type and facial hair length by slightly adjusting the angle at which the blade cuts your hair. Every Rockwell Model T comes with a pack of 100 Rockwell Stainless Steel Blades – that’s two years of blades included with your pledge! Additional 100-packs of blades cost just $10 – that’s only 10 cents a blade. The world needs an alternative to cartridge razors and unnecessary shave clubs – join the revolution!