Wear the Skagen Falster Gen 6 touchscreen smartwatch all day every day thanks to its extensive battery life. In fact, it reaches a 80% battery life in just 30 minutes—that’s twice the time of an average smartwatch. Moreover, this Skagen fitness watch features a Snapdragon Wear 4100+ processor for all-day battery and improved connectivity. Wear it to track your fitness or for everyday wear. With integrated Google Assistant, this smartwatch helps you to manage your tasks, plan for the day, or get the answers you need. Furthermore, this touchscreen smartwatch offers customizable dials for optimal personalization, and it’s also available with stylish straps. Finally, get all the apps you need—including for your fitness, well-being, and to satisfy your music cravings.
Skagen Falster Gen 6 touchscreen smartwatch rapidly charges 80% in almost 30 minutes
Skagen Falster Gen 6 touchscreen smartwatch rapidly charges 80% in almost 30 minutes
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Its high-quality, stylish strap makes it perfect for everyday wear.