Tevo Tarantula -Prusa i3 3D printer features automatic bed leveling (optional) and bigger bed (optional). The auto-leveling version uses a proximity sensor to detect the aluminum print bed where the normal version of the printer uses a microswitch to detect the end of travel for the Z-Axis movement (vertical limits). The Aluminum Print Bed plate is 200mm X 200X 200mm – the travel for the build plate is limited by the physical dimensions of the frame itself and that is around 220 mm for the X-axis (side to side), 260-270mm for the Y-axis (front to back) and around 200mm for the Z-Axis (up and down). Model – Complete DIY Kit (Unassembled). It is a simple and sturdy construction that is easy to assemble with good performance and quality. A far better choice than RepRap Prusa i3.
TEVO Tarantula I3 3D Printer Kit
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