Everybody loves going on holiday.
But the stress of having overweight baggage when you get to airport can get your holiday off to a nasty start.
With excess baggage fees rocketing, that’s money out of you pocket that could have been spent on your holiday! Luggage scales also let you down.
They break, give inaccurate results and often require you to lift heavy bags to get the results.
Not to mention the repetitive process of putting something in, zipping up your bag and weighing it – over and over again until you get to the correct weight.
If only you had a super smart luggage scale that could tell you how much your bag weighed…as you packed it.
Weigh-to-Fly is the smart extendable luggage scale that sends real time weight updates your phone as you pack! It extends to fit all your cases, adapting to every adventure! It also has a built in proximity sensor, alerting you when your case (with the Weigh-to-Fly inside) is left behind or stolen.
You can select your airline and it will set your weight limit, warning you when you are getting close to it! And the Hanger design means you can use it when you get to your destination, or to keep clothes tidy in transit.
Now, we just need your help to reach our goal and spread the project far and wide![rb_button style=”classic” decoration=”none” color=”light” link=”http://www.
weigh-to-f.ly” target=”_blank” label=”More info”] [/rb_button]