Wishbone is the world’s smallest and easiest-to-use smart thermometer. It can accurately check body, object or environment temperature.When babies are not feeling well, they cry because they cannot say what is wrong.
To give parents peace of mind, we need a device that can quickly and accurately measure temperature and track historical data.
As parents ourselves, we could not find anything on the market that could satisfy our needs. That’s why we created Wishbone to help parents monitor and track temperatures more efficiently.
Wishbone is a non-contact thermometer that works with smartphones to improve the way we measure and track temperatures.
It is easy to use and can accurately detect body temperature in under 2 seconds.
Through its app, Wishbone can store historical data which can be viewed at a later date for analysis and reference.
This feature is particularly helpful for parents monitoring their baby’s recovery from illness and for couples that are trying to conceive.
Wishbone’s unique Y-shape is designed for better viewing angles while operating it and it is the only smart thermometer that is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.