The Dell 2020 XPS 13 lightweight laptop now uses the 11th-generation Intel Tiger Lake processor. Additionally, it offers LPDDR4x at 4,267 MHz memory, Intel Xe graphics, and Thunderbolt 4 support. Dell even decided to create a developer’s Linux-based edition that has Ubuntu 20.04 LTS preloaded. It has an integrated infrared camera designed for Windows Hello and an unobtrusive webcam with a four-element lens. So this lightweight computer provides crisp images and reduces outside noise. Constructed with precision from top to bottom, this Dell laptop has a sleek aluminum chassis for a minimalist look. Additionally, the Dell 2020 XPS 13 offers an aspect ratio of 16:10, giving it slimmer bezels overall. Open this compact computer with one hand and get to having fun.
Dell 2020 XPS 13 lightweight laptop now runs on the Intel 11th-Gen Tiger Lake processor
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Dell 2020 XPS 13 lightweight laptop now runs on the Intel 11th-Gen Tiger Lake processor
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The developer's edition is a super-cool idea.