Inspire your kids to create like never before with the Kano DIY Digital Camera Kit. This nifty little box comes with everything you need to actually build your own digital camera. In addition, it comes with a storybook to show you step-by-step instructions to make it easy. Of course, it comes with all of the inner parts where you can connect the circuits to the computer brain. Then, you can add in some functionality such as a trigger, a flash, and a battery. Finally, you get to choose which type of lens; you can have the wide-angle, fisheye, or macro. Go a step beyond and add in the Tripwire Sensor. This is an infrared beam that can detect movement and easily snap a photo. With Kano, the coding part of the functionality is easy. Once it’s all done, you’re ready to create some beautiful images. The Camera Kit will be available sometime in 2019.