Launched by a new wellness company, Energetic Dynamic Solutions (EDS), the Microbe Pulser (MP) uses the principles of biophysics. In doing so, according to EDS, it safely eliminates harmful microbes from the human body. The brand states that this device offers a safe, scientifically verified, way to help change a person’s microbiome. A paradigm-shifting and potentially life-changing product, it is geared towards parents of autistic children. In fact, it uses energetics to provide the possibility of better health right at your fingertips. While EDS makes no curative medical claims about the MP, it encourages you to follow the Beck Protocol. Employ common sense as to the use of electrical devices. Don’t create a pulser field on metal surfaces, within 36″ of metal utensils, or on any electronic device.
Energetic Dynamic Solutions Microbe Pulser eliminates harmful microbes from the human body
Energetic Dynamic Solutions Microbe Pulser eliminates harmful microbes from the human body
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It offers a safe, affordable, and easy way to neutralize harmful microorganisms!