Grab the first smartwatch built entirely by Google, in and out. It’s the Google Pixel Watch. This smartwatch with a beautifully designed circular dome shape works smoothly with the new experience of Wear OS by Google. Additionally, the watch features include Google apps compatibility. This means you can use Maps, Assistant, Wallet, and more with ease. It’s like having your own Google apps for your wrist. You can also use it to track your fitness goals with Fitbit and ensure you live a healthier life with a smart and fresh-looking smartwatch. In fact, the new Wear OS experience caters to the dome-shape design of this watch and offers a seamless connection. Overall, it offers multiple colors depending on your style preferences.
Google Pixel Watch is the first smartwatch built by Google and has a circular domed design
Google Pixel Watch is the first smartwatch built by Google and has a circular domed design
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This first smartwatch by Google is super fashionable!