Transport your everyday credit cards in a convenient and safe way with the hardgraft Flip Card Fold. From the outside, it exudes a simple leather design. But, once you unfold it, you’ll find a surprising combination of materials that promote durability. Moreover, with a compact form of 4.3″ by 3″, it’s perfect to take on the go and is pocket friendly without the bulk. This hardgraft leather wallet also includes 2 compartments for folded notes and 2 dedicated credit card slots. And the credit card slots are a vivid black to help you organize your money. This way, you’ll never have to fumble around at the checkout again. Finally, the combination of vegetable-tanned leather and microsuede provides excellent durability and style. In fact, the leather material ages beautifully over time.
hardgraft Flip Card Fold snaps close with a push button and includes 2 credit card slots
hardgraft Flip Card Fold snaps close with a push button and includes 2 credit card slots
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