Upgrade your business with the SoftBank Robotics Pepper Humanoid Robot. Able to recognize faces and human emotions, this interactive robot has social skills. Plus, this lifelike robot can communicate with people through both its touch screen and conversation. Ideal for school environments and in businesses for welcoming, teaching, and leading people, this life-size robot has many abilities. Plus, it’s a human-like robot as Pepper has 20 degrees of freedom, giving it natural movements. And because this interactive robot recognizes and speaks in 15 languages, it can handle more customers than pretty much any person. You’ll hardly have to do anything for Pepper, as it can navigate on its own. But because it’s on an open, programmable platform, you’re free to add skills and abilities as you want them.
SoftBank Robotics Pepper Humanoid Robot can recognize faces and emotions
SoftBank Robotics Pepper Humanoid Robot can recognize faces and emotions
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