Impress friends and office mates with a jaw-dropping, super futuristic, straight out of Hollywood Mac setup. HoverBar hangs iPad beside your Mac, letting you use iPad as a secondary, touchscreen computer. The flexible HoverBar arm positions iPad in a place where you can keep tabs on Twitter, stocks or partake in a FaceTime chat. As a bonus, you can use HoverBar separately to float iPad as a micro workstation, a handy kitchen mount or as a tool that elevates iPad, creating a whole new way to interact with apps. HoverBar is also a sweet accessory in the kitchen. It connects to a cabinet quickly and easily with a simple clamp. No drilling holes or putting screws into your expensive Cherry cabinets. Pop open your favorite recipe or cooking app, or stream a how-to video while your iPad floats safely above the counter, away from splatters, spills and floury concoctions.