OKU is the world’s first iPhone connected device developed specifically for looking after and maintaining the wellness of your skin.
Connect OKU to your iPhone, download the app, scan your skin (as often as you like) and help your skin achieve its optimal youthful, potential by getting real-time, personalized skincare advice.
OKU sees what you can’t – by literally looking under your skin.
It takes a scan of your skin, analyzes it in detail, takes into account your lifestyle information and provides you with an easy to understand value called the SkinScore.
This will tell you how your skin is faring and identifies areas for improvement. It then sets a daily goal towards unlocking the youthful best of your skin.
Oku gives advice on your lifestyle and diet and will recommend the right products for your current issue, or the right routine to improve your skin wellness.
Much like a personal trainer, it helps you get your skin in the best shape