Spectre is a stainless steel, RFID blocking wallet that features an auto-ejecting credit card slot.
With the slide of a tab, Spectre ejects your credit card(s) partially, allowing the card(s) to be swiped without them ever leaving the wallet.
Spectre also features a leather pocket that secures up to 3 additional cards and/or cash.
Spectre allows users to customize their wallet by offering a variety of leather colors and the option to have their initials stamped onto the leather.
Spectre is designed to Make Life Simple by reducing transaction times, eliminating bulk, preventing theft and giving you instant access to your most frequently used cards, with just one hand![rb_button style=”classic” decoration=”none” color=”light” link=”http://www.
spectrewallets.com” target=”_blank” label=”More info”] [/rb_button]