Carry your cards and bank notes effortlessly in style with the hardgraft Thumbs Up Card Case. This case has a stylish vegan design closed with a pushbutton. Additionally, it also features a pocket on the back of the case. There’s also a conveniently placed slot so you can push your cards out with your thumb. Hence the name thumbs up card case. What sets it apart is the unique classic brown Vegan leather design hardgraft products are known for. It’s even made from renewable plant-based biomass, an innovative raw material. Most importantly, the case comes with an embossing of the famous Italian ‘Saffiano’ cross-hatch. This gives the material of this thumbs up card case a high-end finish and luxury texture.
hardgraft Thumbs Up Card Case has a stylish vegan design closed with a pushbutton
hardgraft Thumbs Up Card Case has a stylish vegan design closed with a pushbutton
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