Experience a safer journey with the RearViz bicycle mirror.
The adjustable RearViz must be strapped on to your forearm using an armband, and looks sort of like a wristwatch that’s decided to climb up the arm a bit.
The mirror can be snapped open and shut as and when required. When it’s snapped shut, it looks more like part of your fashionable bike riding gear.
The convex mirror’s ability to swivel combined with the adjustable armband and your own ability to move your arm ensures that you cover every possible rear-view angle and perspective.
Additionally, it’s available in a Sports style which has a flexible plastic armband for enhanced comfort and a Slim Line style which has a non-flexible, smaller plastic housing for smaller arms.
Finally, the RearViz is weather resistant and just as useful to pro bikers as it is to weekend explorers and daily commuters.