Cat owner? You need to see the Boxscoop 2.0 litter box
As a cat owner, you want your feline friend to be happy. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get hands-on with old litter. Boxscoop 2.0 offers a solution that suits both cats and humans.

- How often should you clean cat litter? Make sure to clean the litter once a day to avoid bad odors and an unhappy cat.
- How often should you change cat litter? Assuming you clean it daily, you should change clay litter twice a week. Clumping litter can last for two weeks.
- What is the best way to clean litter? Either use a scoop to pick out the droppings, or upgrade to Boxscoop 2.0. This brilliantly designed litter box has a built-in cleaner.
Our cats give us many reasons to be joyful. Your moggy provides warm comfort on a cozy night by the fire, and an endless stream of laughter in more playful moods.
But as with any form of pet ownership, being a cat parent comes with responsibilities. Perhaps the least appealing is litter box management. While most cats are good about using their designated bathroom, the clean-up job still isn’t pleasant.
Boxscoop 2.0 is a litter box that improves the process. With enclosed walls to prevent mess and a built-in cleaning system, it should suit both you and your cat.
What is an enclosed cat litter box?
Most cat owners still use a simple tray as a litter box. This is fine from your cat’s perspective, but it has drawbacks. Firstly, the smell is not contained; secondly, you usually end up with some litter on the floor. An enclosed litter box, like Boxscoop 2.0, offers a much less messy alternative.

Stop the mess with Boxscoop
[tweet_box]With enclosed walls to prevent mess and a built-in cleaning system, the Boxscoop 2.0 litter box should suit both you and your cat[/tweet_box]
This innovative litter box has four walls and a roof, with a litter tray inside. When your cat needs to “make a deposit”, they simply climb through the circular hole at the top.

Your cat can simply climb inside Boxscoop
There is plenty of room inside the box for larger cats to maneuver, and the box can support 80 pounds. The litter mat emulates the texture of cardboard, and the roof allows fresh litter to fall through.

Boxscoop is short enough to allow your cat to see out
Just as importantly, the roof is low enough that your cat can see out. This makes them feel safe while they are doing their business.
Every single detail has been thought through from both the human and feline perspectives.
Easy to clean
While these design details are impressive, the best feature of Boxscoop 2.0 only becomes apparent at cleaning time.

Even a child can do it
As the name implies, this litter box has a built-in metal scoop. It works much like a fishing net — you drag the scoop through the litter, and the clumps are sieved out.
You then remove the scoop, empty the contents, and return it. Job done.
“Boxscoop is chore-free to maintain, stops litter tracking, raises next to zero dust, and is designed from cat behavior studies for cat comfort… plus, it’s modern and looks nothing like a litter box.” — Boxscoop Designs on Kickstarter
Cat owner? You need this

Boxscoop is smart and stylish
Every cat owner knows how fussy felines can be — but we also know that cats love boxes. Boxscoop 2.0 has been designed to take advantage of that fact.
Things to note
According to the team behind Boxscoop, one in five cats may take some time to adopt the box. Be aware of this if you decide to make a purchase.
– Kickstarter: Until March 11th
– Pledge: $60 USD
– Delivery: July 2019