
Founded by passionate gamers, nerdytec creates innovative products that keep you more comfortable while gaming. Its collection of Couchmaster products will change the way you game on your PC or console.

Products we love from Couchmaster

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Couchmaster CYCON² lap desk for gaming revolutionizes couch play with 6 USB 3.0 ports

Enter the Couchmaster CYCON² lap desk for gaming, a game-changer with its remarkable features.  Seamless connectivity: Boasting 6 USB 3.0 ports, this lap desk allows you to effortlessly connect all your essential gaming peripherals

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Couchmaster CYPUNK Limited Edition cyberpunk couch desk has 80s colors and the DeLorean

The Couchmaster CYPUNK Limited Edition cyberpunk couch desk boasts a retro-futuristic look

Sustainable Product
Couchmaster® CYWORX ergonomic lapboard has supportive cushions & better balance

There’s nowhere as comfortable as your sofa, which is why the Couchmaster® CYWORX ergonomic lapboard is so great

Sustainable Product
Couchmaster CYBOT Gaming Lap Desk features a special ventilation grille

The Couchmaster CYBOT Gaming Lap Desk is the ideal solution for wireless device users seeking a comfortable and ergonomic gaming experience

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