The Light Phone Is A Simple, Robust Solution To A Digital Vacation

You need a vacation. Working around the clock, sending out batches of emails in the middle of the night and drinking endless amounts of coffee is essential to one’s career, but sometimes you need a breather.
These days, a weekend getaway is not really a vacation unless you turn off your smartphone.
A Fully Functional Phone Without The Extra Stuff
You still need a phone while you’re away, but you don’t need a smartphone that rings and buzzes every minute with app notifications. The Light Phone solves this problem by eliminating all the smart features in today’s modern devices, leaving you with the ultimate stone age-like phone.
At first glance, the GSM device looks great. It’s thin, sleek and simple. The front panel tells the time and the volume controls can be found on the side of the phone. It’s the size of a credit card- an ideal secondary phone to keep in your wallet in case of emergencies. An official app that is tied with the calling device, which is enabled on a smartphone, manages the internal features of the Light Phone.
The Perfect First Phone For Kids
Instead of buying your child an expensive smartphone and spending on apps that regulate various features in the device, why not try the Light Phone? The 20-day battery life ensures you can always contact your little one, even if he or she forgets to charge the device before leaving the house.
Up to 10 numbers can be saved on the handy speed dialer. This means your kid does not have to memorize the family’s contact details. Calling is done instantly, with the push of a few buttons. The prepaid line also prevents your child from running up the monthly bill.
Will you be using the Light Phone on your next vacation? Let us know below!