The Rockwell Chrome Razor Cuts Every Bit of Stubble
Are you still shaving with a plastic razor? In that case, are you still suffering from cuts, finding stray hairs, and see unevenness? Its’ time to treat yourself like the royalty you are with the best shave your face can get with the Rockwell Chrome Series Razors.
The Rockwell Chrome Series is a collection that adjusts to you every time you shave to give you the exact look you’re going for. With these razors, you’ll get a super close and comfortable shave every time.
The mission of the creators is clear: a close and comfortable shave should be a reality for everyone. As a modern take on the classic safety razor, the Rockwell Chrome Razor is the tool for the job. The modular designed allows you to choose which of the adjustable plates you’d like to use. Each of the six size options has a slightly different angle for the included razor to achieve the perfect shave every time you use it.
The R1 size is for those with sensitive skin and for removing pesky 5 o’clock shadow. The R2 is similar but for even more stubborn shadow while the R3 is great for clearing up stubble every one to three days. The R4 and R5 are for much hardier skin as well as course hair with up to a week between shaves. The R6 is a true powerhouse and was designed for skin that is prone to razor bumps, course facial hair, long beards, and even those who go over a week between shaves.
[tweet_box]A close and comfortable shave is always possible with the #RockwellChromeSeries.[/tweet_box]
With all of these plates in your arsenal, the Rockwell Chrome Razor can tackle any hair anywhere – including your entire body. Easily snapping into place, the sizes are paired among three plates (such as R1 and R3, R2 and R4, and R5 and 6) so there are minimal pieces to keep in order.
Soon to be available in white chrome, brushed chrome, and gunmetal finishes, the Rockwell Chrome Razor comes with a cap to secure the plates, a knurled handle for optimal grip, and the double-edged razor blade for a clean cut. To make all finishes a reality, the Rockwell Chrome Razor must raise $120k during its Kickstarter campaign.
As of writing, the second tier is within sights at $60k which unlocks the gunmetal finish in addition to the white chrome. The campaign is nearing the $50k mark which has surpassed the original goal. Reserve your Rockwell Chrome Razor with the R1 and R3 sizes for just $25. Or, go big and get the entire set with all six sizes for only $40. With the campaign ending on October 22nd, the Rockwell Chrome Razors will ship in March 2017.
How many times have you been nicked with a poorly angled blade while shaving?