This germ-free card tool helps you avoid public surfaces
When you venture out in public, you come into contact with surfaces like door handles, ATMs, and elevator buttons. These items get touched by hundreds, if not, thousands, of people each day. And, of course, you can't be sure if others wash their hands as regularly as you do. Since many of us are emerging from COVID-19 lockdown mandates, touching public surfaces is a risk we'd rather not take. Luckily, with products like this card tool, you don't have to.

Larry David has devoted entire skits to his refusal to shake people’s “sneeze” and “cough” hands. While I once may have found his views a little extreme, these days, I agree. People’s hands can be dirty. The trouble is, even if we avoid physical contact in public, we still have to open doors, type on keypads, and sign with pens that have been touched by countless others. And who knows when they last washed their hands. But perhaps gadgets like the HygiCard Antimicrobial Card Tool can help.
This door opener kills germs
Made of brass, this EDC card kills bacteria on contact. It also measures smaller than a credit card, so you’ll have no trouble fitting it in your bag or shirt pocket. With a HygiCard, you can open doors, provide digital signatures (it works as a stylus), type on keypads and touch screens, and even open bottles. This card tool helps eliminate touchpoints where you could potentially pick up a virus. And in the age of COVID-19, that’s a real fear. As I go about my day in the city, would I like one of these gadgets? Yes, urban areas with their public transportation and tourists see a lot of traffic. Do I long for a day when I won’t need one? Also yes, but I believe that’s a long way off.

Card Tool in a Pocket

Door Opener in an Elevator

A Lineup of Card Tools

Door Opener on a Handle

ECD Card in Use

The HygiCard with Accessories

HygiCard Antimicrobial Card Tool with Keys
You’ll love that this germ-free door opener is lightweight and easy-to-clean. Another nice touch is that you can personalize it with your name or business logo. So it could make a great office gift for your employees or coworkers. What’s more, it’s a gadget that they’ll use over and over, and it can keep them healthy. The HygiCard Antimicrobial Card Tool costs $16.20. You can pre-order yours on Kickstarter.