The Gululu Interactive Bottle Makes Staying Hydrated Fun for Kids
My husband and I don’t have kids yet. It’s not that we don’t want any; we just aren’t prepared for all the hard work. From reminding them to eat their veggies to convincing them to wash their hands, it’s tough raising kids. The Gululu Interactive Water Bottle helps to lessen the load for parents by ensuring their kids are getting hydrated.
Gululu enables children to drink more water by pairing the typically mundane activity with stimulation. The connected bottle also keeps parents informed through a special app.
Available in five vibrant colour options, Gululu is equipped with a screen which displays an animated pet inside the Gululu Universe. With each sip, glug, and chug, the pet thrives and hydration goals are met all with the easy to hold bottle.
Underneath the fun exterior are embedded sensors and advanced technology. Gululu syncs with the app on your smartphone so you can track each sip your child takes. Because kids can be, well, kids, Gululu is smart enough to detect if your child is actually drinking the water or simply pouring it out. By tracking the movements and angle of the bottle, you can be sure your kid is drinking enough water.
To get started, kids can choose one of four entertaining and interactive pets on the screen. Drinking water will give life to the pet but it’s not just about hydration. The built-in screen also has games and activities so your child can explore the Gululu Universe and even collect treasures. When two bottles are in close proximity, the pets can become friends and also play games together. Extending the interaction beyond drinking water helps to keep kids engaged and enthusiastic about being hydrated.
[tweet_box]The easy to use Gululu app for parents shows exactly how much water your child has consumed so you can stay informed.[/tweet_box]
The Gululu app also allows you to choose School Mode or Sleep Mode to control when playtime is over. Simply set the times in the app and the bottle will become unresponsive so your kids can focus on homework, family time, or even bedtime.
Easily and wirelessly recharging on the included dock, Gululu takes just three hours to fill its battery and can last for up to three days. Passing drop tests (and toddler tests), Gululu is 100% BPA-free and complies with FDA standards and is even waterproof.
Live on Kickstarter until July 8th, you can reserve Gululu for just $89. It’s important to instill good habits for your children at a young age. By gamifying their water drinking, kids will associate staying hydrated with fun and games. With this level of interaction in mind, what else can be gamified to get kids into good habits?