SLASH Is the Affordable 3D Printer Without Any Compromises

Unlike many trends in technology, 3D printing is here to stay, however; it’s still being refined and perfected and is something we still marvel at. We’re entranced as we watch something print no matter how ordinary the object and our imaginations go wild when we see new innovative uses. People are even wearing 3D printed clothing and accessories which still blows my mind. 3D printing is helping our world become much more efficient and it is no longer a trend but instead an incredible advancement. The only problem? They’re expensive. But SLASH is here to give affordable access to everyone, even me.
Created by Uniz Technology, SLASH provides professional results while tackling the issues of price, print speed, and print volume that plague the affordable 3D printing industry. SLASH is meant for any and every desktop.
SLASH is an ultra high resolution LCD contact exposure 3D printer. To be non-technical, SLASH is precise and fast and uses simple software that is user friendly to create professional prints. As opposed to other affordable printers on the market, SLASH uses LCD contact exposure technology to project each layer of the print on a liquid bath to create more efficiently and smoothly. The process is fast because the engineers implemented liquid cooling as close to the interface as possible, allowing each subsequent layer to be added a much faster rate.
For example, one of the most expensive professional 3D printers on the market (over $100k) prints at 60cc of material per hour while some other affordable models print at around 10cc per hour. The SLASH 3D printer is able to print at an incredible 1000cc per hour with precision and grace.
The LCD contact exposure of SLASH also allows for industrial grade accuracy and precision of your prints without adding considerable costs. The Z resolution profile can be customised which means you can choose sections of your print to have more or less detail in order to increase the speed of the print. Any detail can become realised, turning fun 3D prints into products you’ll want to use and display.
The team at Uniz Technology understand that this user friendly printer will end up getting a lot of use. Because of that, they’ve ensured their materials will outlast those of any other on the market. The floor of the liquid bath will last 1,000 printing hours (about 300k layers) thanks to a specially engineered polymer film. SLASH also uses glass fiber reinforced injection molded structures to be sure you have less down time and spend more time printing.
Paired with the intuitive Uniz software, SLASH makes the printing process as easy as can be while keeping you safe. With a campaign live on Kickstarter until April 28th, this printer has raised over three times its goal with a total of $165k in donations and counting. You can reserve your own SLASH 3D printer for the early bird price of $1,199 and the units will ship in November 2016.