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Working Remotely

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Want to be more productive? HP’s Spectre 700 wireless mouse can help

Want to be more productive? HP’s Spectre 700 wireless mouse can help

What are the best gadgets for productivity? Check out our roundup of time-saving office gadgets. Is it worth upgrading to a wireless mouse? Absolutely. A wireless mouse will give you greater freedom, and remove some cable clutter from your desk...
8 Smart gadgets for remote workers to improve work and play

8 Smart gadgets for remote workers to improve work and play

Is working remotely better than working in an office? Working remotely certainly has its perks. You can work from anywhere or even in your pajamas. However, some think that this style of work can heavily reduce productivity. We’re here to prove..
3 steps to a better remote work experience

3 steps to a better remote work experience

More than 55% of hiring managers consider remote work as the new normal. There’s a company that sends remote workers on a 3-month vacation across the US. But even with the craze, it’s still unclear whether the life of a..
The best tech to streamline your remote workflow

The best tech to streamline your remote workflow

How many people work remotely? According to a study by FlexJobs, around 3.9 million Americans work remotely at least half of the time. What are the best tips for new remote workers? We have written many helpful blogs on this..
3 Reasons remote work is the best for so many

3 Reasons remote work is the best for so many

How popular is remote work? About 43% of Americans work remotely for at least a portion of their job. Can you actually run late if you work from home? Absoutely! If you work within a team, people are depending on..
5 Smart office gadgets that make video conferencing as easy as can be

5 Smart office gadgets that make video conferencing as easy as can be

Is working remotely easier than going to an office? Working remotely certainly has its perks. You can work from anywhere or even in your pajamas. However, some think that this style of work can heavily reduce productivity. We’re here to prove..