Leveling up—tips and tricks for WoW TBC Classic
Want to level up your gameplay in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic? Today, we highlight some of the best tips and tricks to make your experience even more amazing.
For video game lovers, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic is one hell of a game that can keep your eyes glued to the screen for hours. But what keeps the fun blazing are the tips and tricks for WoW TBC Classic that level up your gameplay, resulting in a more amazing experience.
So we’re here to take you by the hand and reveal a plethora of tips on how to manage your leveling proficiency. Leveling up in TBC Classic isn’t difficult compared to the 1–60 leveling journey. A skilled player can boost the level cap from 60–70 in about 1 full day, and an average player can reach that height in about 48 hours.
These tips help you scale through Outland zones so you can start enjoying the fantastic content that TBC has in store in very little time.
Complete quests
Although it sounds obvious, engaging in quests is a major way many players, especially solo ones, choose to level up. You’ll come across many quest hubs as you battle through Outland zones, so it’s best to scale through this route unless you’re shooting for level 70.
Moreover, it’s worth noting that boosted characters tend to be weaker and have lesser speed than characters that level up naturally. For that reason, we suggest questing in the Azeroth zone before diving into the Outlands.
Engage in grinding
Grinding in this context means randomly killing a lot of enemies not in the quest. Doing this in a way that boosts your per-hour experience is how you make it effective and fun. You can achieve this by playing certain classes like Protection Paladin or when you practice Area of Effect.
Grinding also becomes more efficient when you kill mobs of the same level. This means when the level displayed on their portrait is all green—not red or yellow.
Seek help from the professionals
Another of our favorite tips and tricks for WoW TBC Classic is to seek help from professionals. This might sound intuitive if your goal is just to make it to level 70, but certain professions like mining, herb gathering, and trade skills will be of massive help in leveling. First aid use, for instance, gives you an avenue to create more consumables, cures your character, and increases its endurance when things get a little heated.
Additionally, crafting weapons and gear and putting them up for sale is another route. You auction the items and earn a few thousand TBC Classic gold out of it, depending on how much commitment you’re willing to invest.
Boost other players
Boosting pertains to the activity where a player of a higher level runs with you through the dungeons and carries out killings and damages on the mob. It’s quite a frequent occurrence for some boosting groups to see other players get boosted.
Generally, the player doing the boosting achieves a higher level since the more players he boosts, the more gold he adds to his profile. On the other hand, doing this doesn’t really benefit the other players in the group.
While boosting players is a recommended means of leveling in TBC Classic, it is the most expensive way and is beyond the reach of new players.
Understand the color code significance
You don’t have to complete all quests in all the zones you engage in before sliding into the next zone. Several zones have quest marks that go beyond the range of levels for a given zone.
For instance, the Stranglethorn Vale zone is basically for levels 30–45. So it is impossible to engage in this quest for players in level 15. To assist players in determining the impossible quests, you’ll see that each of the quests has been color-coded right there in your quest log, as explained below.
- The red quest signifies the quests in which their goals and objectives are a lot higher than your level (5 levels or more required). We advise just getting a group to help you tackle it or, even better, seeking the help of a higher-level player.
- Orange quests are just a bit higher than the level you’re in (3–5 levels). Some classes tend to find it easy completing quests like these—warlocks and hunters, for example, because they have their personal tanks. Just like red quests, however, you can seek help from higher-level players or join a group.
- Yellow quests are those with objectives much closer to the level you’re in (2 levels or below). You are most likely to round off these quests by yourself, without the help of a higher level player or any group.
- Gray quests come with objectives that are quite below your level (10 levels or below). Unlike the zero eperience you get from killing gray-level enemies, you still get experience awards each time you complete gray quests. It will definitely be less than what you get from completing yellow or green quests, but you recieve an award all the same.
Form groups with friends
Without a doubt, forming groups with friends during quests is another one of our favorite tips and tricks for WoW TBC Classic, as it has its benefits and works quickly. What’s more, it gives each player a chance to scale through quests that are tough for them to complete individually.
Many players fear that their reward will be compromised during quests, but this is a misconception. Although your encounter with enemies will be minimal when you’re in a group, the rewards remain intact for each player.
On some occasions, players may find it easy going solo, whereas others might find it hard to take down enemies. But the pace at which groups clear up their enemies in the leveling process cannot be compared to that of an individual player.
Do dungeons
Once you have a group ready or create one with your friends or through your guild, doing dungeons is another effective way of leveling up.
One significant benefit to playing TBC Classic is that paladin tanks tend to be around somewhere. So dungeoning in Outland zones becomes more amazing and awesome. While you can only complete them once, they’re worth it.
Kill enemies in quests
Like most games, grinding is only a good alternative to questing when you game with a group that takes down enemies quickly. But this doesn’t mean you can’t simultaneously run grinding while questing.
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, you need to spend time traveling around if you want to level up in TBC Classic. Killing enemies at random as you enter new areas is a smart way to go about it. It surely will not give you the same experience as questing, but every XP you gather helps greatly.
Always remember the rested experience
Each time you log out of the game, ensure you do so in a rested area as this gives you double XP, the same that you get from killing enemies. You need to sleep in real life, so during the leveling process, it’s a smart trick to snatch the advantage by boosting the amount of XP you get while you stay offline. You’ll know you’re in a rested area when the Zzzz pops up in your character’s portrait.
In a nutshell, leveling up in World of Warcraft TBC Classic can be less strenuous if you are intentional about the process. World of Warcraft remains an impressive game and is incredibly fun, especially for players who have mastered the tips and tricks for WoW TBC Classic.
However, we recommend being wise about the time you spend playing, as it can significantly affect your activities in the real world. Taking regular breaks to attend to other obligations is necessary to prevent headaches and burnout.
It’s also a good idea to spend time with family and friends and pay attention to your well-being to avoid game addiction and enjoy your gaming time to its fullest.