5 AI tech trends that will dominate 2019 (and this time for good)
When it comes to artificial intelligence, the view of the public ranges from obsessive excitement to 1984-inspired suspicion. New AI integrations and devices are popping up by the dozen and brands are all trying to stay ahead of the curve.
- What were the main highlights of AI in 2018? Artificial intelligence was already smarter than us in certain niches, and its repertoire continues to improve. In 2018, it seemed as if AI would soon rule the future and take away jobs.
- Were there any AI robots at CES 2019? Bet your bottom dollar! Designed to work as a safety and learning buddy for children, the AvatarMind iPAL Kids Companion Robot offers rooms for education, physical play, and entertainment.
- What are some of our favorite AI gadgets? From robots to smart home devices, AI is everywhere today. Check out our favorites here.
It’s 2019 and the tech world is buzzing about artificial intelligence. Since becoming accessible to the public in everyday life, consumers and creators alike have been obsessing over all things AI. While many are discussing how this technology can improve our lives by means of smart assistants, improved shopping experiences, and incredibly smart home automation, others are discussing the downsides.
Google Duplex, the super smart AI chat agent, left many excited yet confused with the state of AI, wondering if it was too much too soon. Even then, researchers said that it’ll take a decent amount of time for it to come to fruition. Most recently, Facebook’s 10-year challenge leaves many wondering if the social media craze was actually a ploy for Facebook’s AI to better learn age progression.
Rather than taking jobs from humans like many surmised, AI is actually adding more jobs. Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, AI is here to stay and will only enter more areas of our lives. Here are five AI tech trends that will dominate 2019 (for good).
AI at home
When it comes to artificial intelligence inside the home, we tend to want to connect the entire concept with robots. While living in an age where the Bicentennial Man can actually be a reality, it still feels like a far-fetched idea. This is why no matter how adorable Kuri looked, Mayfield Robotics eventually shut it down. Clearly, the 2019 smart home AI-influenced technology isn’t just about robots.
Take Alexa devices for example. They are literally ruling in every smart house, trying to make your life easier with recommendations, tips, and facts you want to hear. Apart from a few glitches every now and then, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Bixby are only going to get smarter and more dependable as time goes on. And, thanks to devices like Project Alias, people are finally starting to consider the privacy angle of smart speakers. AI is helping in all sorts of ways from entertainment to chores. Now there are smart AI chessboards, AI pet bowls, and so much more to make your life easier through automation.
AI in mobility
As stated on HR Technologist:
Cognitive technologies like artificial intelligence, data analytics, and machine learning are enabling organizations to go beyond traditional ways of managing a global workforce by using intelligent systems to identify, predict and mitigate the risks associated with relocating their employees around the world.
Artificial intelligence isn’t just being used by organizations to manage their workforce. They’re also using it across the board. From predictive maintenance in manufacturing to getting the job done faster by robots, AI will boost mobility at an exceptional rate in 2019. While the Tesla factories have incorporated AI in their manufacturing department while ago, this year may be the one that inspires many others to join the AI revolution.
AI in healthcare
Shockingly, about 86% of mistakes in the healthcare industry are purely administrative and preventable. (You know where this is headed!) With AI in the healthcare industry, specialists can ensure patients are well-treated without the worry of human error. While not all departments can enjoy the benefits of AI just yet, here are some recent areas where AI is helping:
- Medical imaging – with improved accuracy for personalized treatment planning.
- Patient-physician communication – For example, the ResearchKit and CareKit framework from Apple allows researchers and developers to create medical apps to communicate with and monitor patients.
- Medical dosage error reduction – This can actually give the healthcare industry savings of $16B by 2026.
AI in online business
One of the most popular applications of AI in 2018 is chatbots. These AI bots help brands increase their response rate for their online audience. However, one of the trickiest parts of this application is consumer trust. Brands must put in the time to make these bots look real or feel real. You can’t win the hearts of an online audience with a robotic response around the clock. However, if brands train their bots to differentiate between question types and respond (almost) like a human, chatbots will play a dominant role in the online business world of communication.
AI everywhere
Finally, 2019 is an open door for any new innovation in AI. Whether it’s augmented reality, another VR headset, or a breakthrough to bridge the gap between the real and artificial worlds, it’s still unclear. However, we are excited and ready to see more innovative products. It’s not that we aren’t aware of personal robots lack of human form, but more like we aren’t ready to take technology concepts that don’t blend in easily with our everyday lives.
At the end of the day, whatever AI tech comes in our lives, if it’s not adaptive to the real world, it’s not going to work.
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