VylyV Swift Is the Underwear that Every Man Needs
It would be fair to say that most guys take pride in their bedroom prowess. While long-lasting sessions are natural for some men, others struggle to sustain the intensity. However, any guy can improve his performance by training his pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control erections and ejaculation, so they are pretty central to the whole experience. The new VylyV Swift performance-enhancing underwear can help you strengthen that all-important area by guiding you through regular exercises. They are the boxers that every man needs.
– Super-comfortable underwear, packed with technology
– Advanced sensors detect the smallest muscle movements
– Companion app offers personalized workouts with live feedback
What Every Man Needs
Just on a basic biological level, the prospect of sexytime should excite any male human. That’s what we have been built for, after all (along with eating and sleeping). Unfortunately, many men end up feeling anxious due to previous experiences that weren’t up to par.
Having a supportive partner is important in all this, of course. But VylvyV Swift underwear lets you fix the problem yourself. These boxers use patented sensor technology to help you train the pelvic area. You can even get live feedback via the companion smartphone app, and play very private yet effective games.
[tweet_box]VylyV Swift underwear can (genuinely) improve your performance in bed[/tweet_box]
What’s more, these boxers are super comfortable to wear. The material is both breathable and antibacterial, meaning you stay fresh all day.
Kegel Routine
Back in 1952, Dr. Arnold Kegel published a report that outlined the importance of the pelvic floor. He suggested that women who exercised this area would be able to orgasm more frequently.
Later research proved that men can also benefit from what are now known as Kegel exercises. The problem is, few of us actually tense the key muscles unless we’re in the act.
VylyV underwear encourages you to strengthen your pelvic floor through personalized workouts. The boxers have a patented micro air-cushion sensor system, which can detect the smallest of muscular contractions. This data is then sent straight to the companion app on your phone.
The VylyV app creates a personalized pelvic workout and provides live feedback. Yes, live feedback from your manly area. This might be the most ridiculous thing you have read this year. But hey, anything that makes you last longer, right?
If that wasn’t fun enough, the app also has Kegel-based games you can try. Meanwhile, Ninja mode will buzz you in a personal area if you forget to tense often enough throughout the day.
In theory, following this guidance should lead to firmer erections and better control. We await the reviews, with the hope the that they won’t be too graphic.
Practicality Prevails
It’s not easy to switch underwear halfway through the day, so VylyV Swift has also been designed for comfort. The material includes fibers of bamboo and silver, providing softness and antibacterial qualities.
“After launching the world’s first kegel exercise shorts for men in 2016, VylyV keeps innovating to improve user experience and training methodologies. Building upon feedback from power users and our latest research, we are proud to announce the 2nd generation: VylyV Swift.” — VylyV Labs on IndieGoGo
What We ❤️
An easy way to improve your performance, without replying to those natural male enhancement commercials.
Future Designs
The price is pretty high for a garment that needs washing after each use. Hopefully, the next generation of VylyV boxers will be more affordable.
– IndieGoGo: Until January 12th
– Pledge: $189 USD
– Delivery: Jan/Feb 2018