The Polara Pro Tour Golf Ball Will Lower Anyone’s Score

I’ll be honest. Despite years of golf lessons as a kid and with my father-in-law an avid (and talented) golfer, the game hasn’t quite stuck with me. I get how the scoring works, I understand the need for different clubs, but my overall feeling towards the game is a bit like Robin Williams’s rendition (complete with a Scottish accent). Yet, when I read about the Polara Pro Tour, I became fascinated. I had no idea the science behind the game, even down to the dimpled golf ball.
Backed by science and made using ground-breaking innovation, the Polara Pro Tour FS Mark 1 has changed the way I see the game and will change the way you play. Perfect for novices and all-stars alike, the Polara Pro Tour may look ordinary at first glance but is really so much more.
What makes the Polara Pro Tour FS Mark 1 so unique is the biggest and greatest innovation in golf balls in decades. The entire surface of the golf ball has been reimagined and redesigned. The innovative dimple pattern allows this golf ball to reach a maximum distance and accuracy in flight to improve each and every shot. Even better, the ball is able to correct its trajectory after your swing.
While you may be under the impression that the perfect putter or a durable driver are they keys to fixing your score, you’re only partially correct.
[tweet_box]The golf ball and its technology, or lack thereof, has a profound effect on your accuracy and range.[/tweet_box]
With the Polara Pro Tour, over 450 dimples have been precisely placed to all the air to flow in the most advantageous way. The Visual Design Dimple Technology becomes obvious when you notice the indentations being various sizes.
The dimples on this golf ball form a cube-octahedron. This means there are a total of eight triangular regions and six square regions achieved by four greater circles. Totally symmetric, this pattern also features two types of dimples. Those in the square regions have a spherical bottom and those in the triangular regions have a flat bottom. When the ball is in the air, this combination allows for the perfect amount of drag and lift for an accurate shot.
To really drive the point (get it?), the final design of the Polara Pro Tour was one of four finalists for the engineers with each design varying by just 1/1000 of an inch in depth for the dimples. With this level of passion and exactitude, the best golf ball in the world was born.
The structure of the Polara Pro Tour is a two-piece golf ball which is considered recreational and ideal for golfers with an average swing speed (about 80 mph). This way, the golf ball works with the majority of golfers to improve shots of a variety of swing speeds.
The Polara Pro Tour FS Mark 1 is currently live on Kickstarter until June 18th making it the perfect gift in time for Father’s Day on the 19th. With a goal of $118k, you can reserve your own pack of a dozen golf balls along with a founder’s display for just $36.