Evolving the Gadget Flow Brand with Another Circus

Over the past few years, the Gadget Flow has experienced some phenomenal growth. All thanks to our viewers, we’re happy to be one of the largest product discovery platforms in the world.
We started as a small website and then Gadget Flow became a place for people to find new gadgets. Now, we’re the go-to discovery platform for everything from tech news to products. Our team spends hours curating the best of the best for our viewers.
Of course, with growth comes change. Especially in the tech industry, change is inevitable and always welcome. We take what we do seriously and have the most fun doing it. To bring us to this next level, we decided to give our logo a refresh.
We had one goal when it came to redoing the Gadget Flow logo: we needed to look as professional as the service we provide. For us, digital agency Another Circus was the obvious answer. Based in Greece, they’ve worked with top brands in a variety of industries from Forky to Columbia Sportswear.

Gadget Flow Square Logo (Social Media)
The team at Another Circus understands the Gadget Flow brand, our employees, and, most importantly, the value of our audience.

Gadget Flow Landscape Logo
With all of this, they produced our shiny new logo. As you can see, we retained the Gadget Flow feel but amped things up a bit. We took the feedback we had received over the years and retained the monogram style but added a modern touch.

Gadget Flow Primary Landscape Logo (Monochrome)
The rounded edges make it appealing as well as professional. Coming in our classic orange, this new logo is the perfect shape for everything from our app to our favicon.
We want to say a special thank you to Another Circus for their hard work and dedication to our brand. We hope you love the logo as much as we do – tell us what you think in the comments below!