BiteMyApple Comes Up with a Crowdfunding-Themed Retail Store

One of the biggest challenges every crowdfunding campaign goes through is setting up a retail store. The entire phase from having a successful campaign to coming up with a physical store for your product is very complicated. That’s where BiteMyApple steps in with their retail solution. So, if you’ve had a great Kickstarter project and the next step is to sell your products in-store, BiteMyApple gives you the initial support you need with their crowdfunding themed-retail store. However, they’re going one step further with their first crowdfunding-themed retail store in New York City. This Kickstarter campaign:
– Wants to give you that real-life offline shopping experience with crowdfunding campaigns.
– Provides an opportunity to Kickstarter creators for displaying their prototypes to neighborhood shoppers.
– Lets you grab the brand new RADIUS Case for iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, or iPhone X at the same time.
What Is This Crowdfunding-Themed Retail Store All About?
BiteMyApple has been in the online crowdfunding retail sector for six years. Their purpose is to feature products funded on crowdfunding websites such as Kickstarter. But, now they want to take it to the next level with the first physical crowdfunding retail store in NYC. The idea is to give more exposure to the crowdfunding products they love as well as encourage on-going crowdfunding campaigns to showcase their product demos from the storefront.
Why New York City?
This is because around 10% of all funds pledged on Kickstarter and Indiegogo come from New York City. So, it’s quite natural to have potential backers coming up to the store and testing your products in real-time for better analysis. It’s like making the whole concept of crowdfunding step into the offline retail zone. And, New York City just makes the whole thing more plausible due to its foothold in crowdfunding. The shop will be in the Bowery area of NYC.
Where Will the Pledges Be Used?
So, this campaign is more about setting the store location and propping it with the necessary phsyical equipment such as pedestals, tables, shelving, and even shopping bags. It’s also to employ staff. But the most important aspect is to build the product inventory. They want this store to take a step further than crowdfunding and feature products that do not exist on BiteMyApple’s online website yet. Overall, if we had to sum it up, we’d say that this shop is more like experiencing crowdfunding in real-life.
Radius Case for the New iPhones
Apart from the store, there’s something else you can look forward to. It’s the Radius case for the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. Starting from $130, this case has a stunning finish and is polished by hand. The minimal design ensures protection at all four corners of your iPhone without spoiling the overall look. So, you still get the iPhone experience but with the necessary protection by your side. Other than this, you can also pledge for shopping at the store as well as being a part of the preview night (for all the New Yorkers out there).
What We Love
It seems quite fascinating to have a physical storefront for crowdfunding campaigns. Until now, we’ve only seen crowds of virtual profiles under the comments section and online forums. This store will make that entire process face-to-face and we’re eager to see how it goes.
What We Would Like To See
Quite naturally, being a global platform, we’d like to see this storefront coming up in all major cities across the globe. Why let NYC have all the fun? 😊
1. Kickstarter Campaign (until October 03, 2017)