Look After Your Vision with the EyeQue Insight Screener

Nothing you can receive this holiday season can compare with the gift of sight. If you think otherwise, just ask someone who has lost their vision. Of course, most of us won’t ever completely lose our ability to see. But eyes are delicate organs that sometimes need a little assistance. The EyeQue Insight vision screener helps you check on your vision at home. The device can test your acuity of sight within minutes, using your mobile phone.
– Digitized eye chart allows you to test your vision at home
– Tests take just three minutes; compatible with 800+ smartphones
– Great for checking up on your kids or tracking your own eyesight
Your Vision Matters
From the moment you wake until the day ends, your eyes are in constant use. As a result, it can be easy to miss subtle changes in your vision. One day doesn’t seem so different from the next — but over weeks, things might be getting fuzzier. These changes happen even more rapidly in kids than they do in adults.
The EyeQue Insight vision screener allows you to track these changes. The device uses your phone to create a digital eye chart, complete with randomized letters.
[tweet_box]The EyeQue Insight vision screener helps you check on your vision at home[/tweet_box]
While no gadget can replace an optometrist, this screener should definitely pick up problems before they become serious.
Visual Test
We often associate youth with good vision. After all, there are more grandads wearing specs than toddlers. But one in five children in the USA is short-sighted. Furthermore, kids who have myopic parents are more likely to follow suit. The first signs of the condition can start at age six.
Thankfully, there is something you can do about all this. The EyeQue Insight is a self-screening device that takes only three minutes of your time each week.
To use the screener, you simply download the myEyeQue app on your smartphone. Your handset then slips into the screener to provide the digital display. It’s just like Google Cardboard and other budget VR headsets.
The app sets up the same kind of test as optometrists use. Instead of squinting at a chart, you see individual letters of varying sizes. The app randomizes the order each time so that you can’t game the system.
Looking Back
The test takes less than three minutes to complete, and your results are instantly available to view. All the data gets uploaded to the EyeQue Cloud. You can access this online account at any time to see your previous results.
Aside from myopia, this device can help laser eye surgery patients. With 10 per cent of patients suffering regression in the first few months, it’s vital to check your eyes.
“Children with rapidly changing eyesight can benefit tremendously from the EyeQue Insight. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, can develop as early as six years old. Using the Insight for just three minutes a week will help parents keep track of vision changes, know when to see the eye doctor, and share the results during the eye exam. Have the peace of mind of knowing that your child sees clearly and is not disadvantaged with blurry vision, even if he/she already wears glasses.” — EyeQue on Kickstarter
What We ❤️
In the time it takes to have a shower, you can check your whole family for eyesight problems. That’s pretty awesome.
Future Designs
The only thing missing is a headstrap!
– Kickstarter: Until December 24th
– Pledge: $75 USD
– Delivery: March 2018