A compact cutlery set that reduces plastic waste
Every time you eat with plastic utensils, you know you’re contributing to plastic waste. Worst of all, plastic utensils can’t be recycled and this thought gnaws (no pun intended) at you each time you eat with a plastic spoon. We all want to be more eco-friendly and don't mean to harm the environment. It just doesn't always work out that way. What if there was a set of easy-to-clean utensils that you could take with you everywhere?

You love going to your favorite food truck for lunch a few times a week. The trouble is, you hate the plastic waste you generate by using their plastic forks and knives so often. You keep meaning to bring a fork from home. But in your morning rush to leave, you forget to throw it in your bag. And even if you did, you’d feel kind of awkward walking around with a full-sized fork and knife in your backpack. The makers of the Forkanife compact cutlery set are here to help. This utensil set fits in your wallet, is easy to clean, and made from 50% or more of recyclable materials.

Forkaknife goes with you everywhere
Forkaknife goes with you everywhere
We know that plastic utensils are some of the deadliest plastic waste to sea animals and birds. For that reason, and many more, we all want to work on drastically reducing our use of them. However, you don’t always know when you’ll want or need to eat out (spontaneity anyone?). And it’s not always convenient, or possible, to carry a full set of cutlery with you. The Forkanife, however, can easily go with you everywhere. Wallet-sized, this foldable cutlery set fits in most wallets or anywhere you could carry an ID or credit card. This means that you don’t have to tote them in a bag or backpack with you. You can keep it in your wallet, which you already take everywhere, anyways.
A cutlery set with a patent-pending design
How is the Forkanife so compact? With a patent-pending, foldable jackknife design. To make sure the Forkanife can easily fit in your back pocket, Forkanife’s founder realized that any convenient portable cutlery-set would have to fold like a pocket knife. Therefore, the Forkanife features a hinge and lock design. The fork and knife fold open and then lock to ensure stable, mess-free eating.
Stainless steel makes the set durable
Wondering how long this compact cutlery set will last? Forkanife is made from recycled stainless steel, biodegradable materials, and recycled plastic, durable materials that are guaranteed to last a lifetime. For this reason, Forkanife has a lifetime warranty. And if it does break, the company promises that they will replace the product and ensure that your old Forkanife is recycled. So you won’t have to worry about this utensil set getting bent or damaged in your back pocket.
The Forkanife’s materials are sustainable
Unlike many recyclable materials, stainless steel has value as a material that can be recycled. According to the company, over 50% of stainless steel products are made from materials that can be recycled. They selected plastic that had already been used and was in danger of heading to a landfill. Biodegradable materials also comprise this cutlery set. Therefore, the materials used to create the Forkanife itself are sustainable and help support a more eco-friendly planet.
- Forkanife Uses Sustainable Materials
This eco-friendly utensil set is easy to clean
No one wants to carry dirty utensils around with them. Luckily, Forkanife is easy to clean. Its thin and flat design means food won’t get trapped. Simply rinse the fork and knife under water with a little soap. That’s something everyone has at their office or home. Heck, you could even give them a rinse in the coffee shop bathroom.
Sustainable cutlery that’s more comfortable than plastic forks and knives
If you’ve ever tried to cut brisket or steak with a plastic fork and knife, you know that the experience is messy, slow, and uncomfortable. Since the Forkanife is made of sturdy stainless steel, cutting meat and other textured foods with it is a breeze. You’ll never have to waste time sawing through your Uncle’s barbecued chicken at the family cookout again and can head straight to eating it.
What we love about the Forkanife
We love the foldable, wallet-sized design that can fit in your back pocket or cardholder. We also love that the Forkanife helps cut down on the plastic utensils people use every day. This compact cutlery set promotes a more sustainable planet, and that’s something that will make everyone feel good while eating
What we would love to see
For the moment, Forkanife only features a set with a fork and a knife. But if you’re like us, you love your local custard stand, which offers, invariably, plastic spoons. Comments on the Forkanife’s Kickstarter page mention a spife option, but we don’t see it in the listing. For this reason, we’d suggest the company add a folding spoon or spife to the set.
Where can you get the Forkanife?
The Forkanife costs $18.82. You can pre-order it on Kickstarter.com.