How Video Conferencing Can Work Wonders For Your Business

There’s a lot of modern technology that has changed the face of the modern workplace. Communication is at the touch of a button, branches can be located all over the globe, and employees can easily work from home now. This is great for your business, but having colleagues spread so far apart can be a challenge.
Thankfully, technology has the answer for that, too. Video conferencing has become one of the easiest and best tools for communicating with anyone, no matter where they’re located. Many businesses are discovering just how video conferencing is reinventing the meeting room, so it’s time that you did too. Just why should you invest in conferencing technology?
Get in contact, no matter where you are
When you’re working, you can spend a lot of time on the road. While it’s great to get out of the office occasionally, it can feel as though you’re cut off from your work back home. You can ring or email in, but it’s not really the same as being there. As video conferencing software can be used on mobile platforms such as smartphones or laptops, you can easily call into the office and see what’s going on for yourself. It’s the next best thing to actually being there yourself.
Keep in touch with global colleagues
Many businesses are not only spread out over the country, but all over the globe. When your colleagues could be working from Hong Kong, London, or anywhere in between, it can be hard to keep up with them and be up to date with what they’re doing.
You can use video conferencing to keep in touch in a much more personable and instant fashion. You can call somebody on the other side of the world in seconds, and catch up quickly and efficiently.
Save money on traveling to meetings
Lunarpages says that with video conferencing, your business can save money on reduced travel expenses. When traveling around for meetings, it’s amazing how quickly your bills for travel, accommodation and food can rack up. Video conferencing can cut all of those costs in a single stroke. Why spends hours or even days on the road, when you can attend the meeting from the comfort of your own desk?
Improve your work life balance
While you’re saving money on your traveling, you’re also saving your own sanity. Mashable describes how video conferencing can vastly improve your work life balance, as you’re spending less time out on the road and away from your life at home. Using the technology can avoid burnout, meaning your home life won’t suffer and neither will your work.
Help save the environment
If you’re dedicated to reducing your carbon footprint, video conferencing is an unlikely ally in your quest. Polycom explains how because you’re not using fuel to travel to your meetings, either in your car or by plane, you can drastically reduce your effect on the environment. Saving money and saving the environment? It couldn’t get any better.
Improve your hiring process
If you’ve ever been involved in the hiring process, you’ll know just how time consuming and tedious it can be. Having to spend all day interviewing a long queue of people in your premises is difficult, but interviewing them by video conferencing could be the answer. Meeting up by video conference is often a lot quicker than meeting physically, and avoids issues associated with your interviewees traveling in to meet you, such as getting caught in traffic. As an added bonus, you can widen the net of potential employees this way, as anyone in the country can interview for your position easily.
Maintain closer connections between employees
A picture is worth a thousand words, and there’s never truer than with video conferencing. When your employees meet together using the technology, they can see each other’s non verbal communication and facial expressions, something they can’t do with emails or phone calls. Also, being able to see each other means that they’re less likely to get distracted by other tasks, such as replying to emails.
Become competitive within your field
Any business that’s quicker to recognise and adopt new technologies will always have a leg up in what can often be a fiercely competitive market. Video conferences offers a huge wealth of benefits to both your employees and your customers, meaning that your business can be at the top of its game. Using video conferencing means that your company can be better connected, better at communicating, and using it’s time much more productively.
Now that you’ve seen the benefits of video conferencing, is it time you tried it for yourself? There’s a wide range of companies now, such as Blue Jeans, that offer conferencing services that can be tailored to your specific needs. Try it out and see what it can do for your business.