Philips Hue Go Because Anything Can Be Portable!
Technology is an expansive, impenetrable fortress of knowledge, application, and implementation that I rarely get to see the vast abyss where crazy ideas are born. A touchscreen phone? An electric car? These may seem ordinary but at first conception, these ideas were beyond radical: they were impossible. Philips has been creating a revolution of light that nobody really knew they wanted until they did and Philips has gone a step further and made one of their fancy colored lights portable. That’s right, you can hold the color changing light in your hand if you like because technology says we can. It’s called the Hue Go and I just love technology.
Where the original Philips Hue looked quite similar to any old lightbulb, the Hue Go has the shape of half a watermelon. Now that doesn’t sound like the most interesting shape, it actually makes a lot of sense with the Hue Go. The shape makes it nice to hold but also easy to handle. My only concern might be the bulb overheating but I imagine Philips has that sorted out.
Besides that, the Hue Go is rechargeable and has up to 3 hours of battery life. It also has some protrusions on the bottom that keep it stable when you place it on a level surface which is great because nobody wants to deal with an expensive portable light that won’t stay in one place.
What It Does
The Hue Go is controllable via the Philips Hue app that has already been on the app stores for awhile. Basically, the app is the brain of the Hue Go. You control every aspect of the light, from the color to the brightness, from your smartphone, which I just love. You can also use the Hue Go as a gradual alarm clock. A lot of people have seen the benefits of waking up in the morning to light cues as opposed to a blaring alarm clock so the Hue Go will definitely help you awake more refreshed and less annoyed in the mornings.
Another feature is the synchronization of the Hue Go with third party apps. This means you can set the light to work with gaming, TV, and music for a more immersive and stimulating experience. You can also integrate the Hue Go into your previous Philips Hue setups as well as other home automation scenes. It’ll even pulse to alert you of smartphone notifications. It’s definitely a cool piece of technology, go check it out!