Mission8 will make your shower three times more powerful
Power showers are great for getting clean and feeling refreshed, but they waste a lot of water. The Mission8 shower head helps you achieve the same effect, making your shower more powerful without using any extra water.

- How can you save water when showering? Change your shower head to one with finer nozzles. This will restrict the flow while increasing the pressure.
- How much water does showering use? On average, showering uses 2.1 gallons per minute of clean water.
- What is the best alternative to a power shower? Some specialist shower heads can increase the pressure without using more water. Mission8 is one of the best we’ve seen.
When you’re still waking up or recovering from a long day, there’s nothing better than jumping in the shower. The warm jets of water seem to scrub away the stresses of the day and soothe your tired limbs. At least, that’s the theory. Unfortunately, many shower designs provide a disappointing trickle. In contrast, the revolutionary Mission8 shower head offers impressive power and coverage while helping you save water.
Is showering bad for the environment?
It might seem like an innocent pleasure, but showering is actually bad for the planet. Unlike taking a bath, where you only use the water that fits in your tub, a shower sends gallons down the plughole.

Mission8 is eco-friendly
All that water has been heated, using energy. In addition, it must then be treated before being returned to the ocean — a process that takes a lot more energy.

Upgrade to a more powerful flow
So, how can you enjoy a shower without feeling guilty? That’s where Mission8 comes in. This striking shower head has 250 tiny pores that allow through small jets of water. By delivering water through narrow apertures, Mission8 is able to increase the pressure and conserve water. In fact, you use 17% less water with this head.
[tweet_box]The Mission8 shower head makes your shower more powerful without using any extra water[/tweet_box]
More powerful and more economical
These features are impressive, but Mission8 isn’t just about being thrifty with water.

The Mission8 shower head is very economical
You may notice that the head looks like a large metallic halo. This wide-angle design allows Mission8 to provide 1.5 times’ better coverage. Instead of bobbing around in a narrow flow, you can stand still in a gentle cascade.

Get better coverage with Mission8
In addition, this shower head has a NSF-certified purifying filter. This traps debris, microplastics and rust, meaning you are showering in truly clean water. This is particularly important for folks with sensitive skin.

Mission8’s filters keep your water clean
Look inside the filter and you will find antibacterial ceramic balls and a “subtractive 5-module”. The latter removes harmful chromium, calcium and chlorine.

Give yourself a boost
The filters last for around two or three months, and they are really easy to change. Mission8 also allows you to add booster packs: infusions of vitamins and natural scents to help you wake or relax.
“Sick of feeling like you didn’t get a good shower in after spending 5–10 minutes in there? Us too. Mission8 ends all of that, pushing water out at 3 times the amount of pressure as conventional shower heads. Prepare yourself to be thrilled.” — Mission 8 on Kickstarter
What we ❤️

We like everything about ths shower head
This shower head solves many of the common problems associated with showering. It’s a must have for the eco-friendly, and a great upgrade for everyone else.
Future designs
When Mission8 ships, we will be interested to see how it performs at different water pressures. Only time will tell!
– Kickstarter: Pre-order now
– Pledge: $45 USD
– Delivery: December 2019