Silent Beacon Visualizes a Massive Decline of Crime Rates With Its Spectacular Wearable Alert System

Although the world has been witnessing a huge advancement in technology and innovation, there still lies a large gap in nullifying the violent crime rates. The FBI’s crime statistics seem to be on the rise with someone or the other being a victim every 26 seconds. From sexual assaults happening every 2 minutes to 2,300 people going missing each day due to abduction, it’s become terrifying to sustain peacefully in this planet we so prefer to call our home. Not only this, there’s a massive number of individuals who face fatality because of driving alone every 16 minutes which often results in such a drastic conclusion due to the inability to identify the victim’s exact location while driving.
Personal safety is undoubtedly a right every individual should culture effectively but these horrifying numbers are telling a different story altogether. It’s time the benefits of real-time location trackers are nurtured in this sphere of living as well. While Cuff is more into providing help for women alone, this new project on IndieGoGo is about protecting every individual from terrifying incidents we face every now and then. Introducing Silent Beacon – a wearable Bluetooth GPS alert tracking system you’d definitely need to call for help whenever you’re in an emergency.
Provides Emergency Help Whenever You Need
Regardless of the situation you’re in, the seamless functionalities of this wearable tracker in the world of useful gadgets enables you to raise an alert for your loved ones everytime you’re in a circumstance that cannot be handled alone. Once you push the single button on the tracker, all your pre-listed emergency contacts are notified who can then track your location within a matter of 5 seconds only. With this tracker and its corresponding mobile application (iPhone, Android and Blackberry), you wouldn’t have to go through an array of third-party controlled call centers which often delay the process unnecessarily. The app lets you enlist upto 3 emergency contacts in the free mode with more special features available if you subscribe for the paid app service. You can also customize the message you would want to get delivered in case of an emergency and choose methods through which they’d be sent such as email, text message etc. Once the tracking starts between the app and the device, your GPS position gets updated every second to make the whole process magnificently effective during any negative situation you face.
With its subtle interface and easy-to-use mobile application, this wireless tracking device surely comes as a stunning addition to the world of wearable technology which, in this case, targets your personal safety and security alone. Since it’s compact, waterproof and can easily fit your daily lifestyle, Silent Beacon can also be considered as a great alternative to use instead of smartphones which are often the first thing criminals take away from you during emergencies. You can wear it as an accessory or keep it handy as a keyring – using Silent Beacon effectively is entirely upto you. Just to make the process a bit easy for senior citizens and those who stay alone, there’s also an additional 24 hour call center option which you can choose if you want CSAA Certified professionals to handle your emergency situations. It will come with a first month free service followed by recurring billing of $19.99/month.
Target Lies in Reducing Crime Rates Once and For All
The best thing of this silent tracker is the fact that its built with many kinds of users in mind that makes it a holistic solution you could use to ensure personal security for every member in the house. This could be the seniormost member to your kids, women as well as teenagers who are mostly prone to facing accidents and unwanted circumstances in life, everyday. Even if you’re involved in a high-risk occupation such as hiking and trekking, Silent Beacon could definitely come handy for you especially during those various adverse situations you face while adventuring. Now with their crowdfunding campaign running on IndieGoGo, the main aim lies in making this device a great solution for personal safety.
When interviewed on The Business Journal, founder and CEO Kenneth Kelley had said, “I was offered eight figures for the rights to Silent Beacon, but declined, realizing the company wanted to sell it at a higher price; my goal is to save lives and give families peace of mind … not exploit crime. We believe Silent Beacon will become a low-cost crime deterrent that puts criminals on notice. We believe our products will drastically decrease the national crime rate, making America much safer.” Having such an efficient alert system in your hand is definitely worth a dime if that ensures self protection from every angle. Happy Gadgeting!