Thanks to the Wonderful Nix Pro Color Sensor, Scanning Colors Has Become Super Easy

How many times have you faced the problem of not having the desirable shade when you’re painting your house or staining a new dress? Let me guess the answer – innumerable times! Although we all know that the rainbow is where every color is born out of, there’s no doubt to the fact that the world is totally filled with a massive variety of tints, shades and tones in color today. If you keep a track of all the fresh colors you have come across in one day, I am sure you’ll be dumbstruck with the count you’ll have at the end of the day. Naturally, creative professionals like artists, designers, product manufacturers and even people like us would want to keep all those beautiful shades in store. Only to use them later in a place where they could be relevant. Like say, when you’re painting your new car or thinking of designing a new party wear.
Colors symbolize positivity, vibrancy and everything that has to do with energy. We can’t just stop exploring them and be satisfied with the bulky, expensive paint decks forever, can we? That’s why when Matthew Sheridan created the Nix Pro Color Sensor, the project became quite a success on Kickstarter in 2013. The number of possibilities where you put this amazing color sensor to use is endless. Let’s dive deep into the product and see what it’s made of and how it could be useful for nearly everyone and not only creative artists.
Scan Any Color Shade With Precision
The idea to design such an innovative color sensor came from a practical experience. When discussing on this, Matthew Sheridan had said on, “I originally came up with this idea working with my mom. She’s an interior designer. She was lugging around a big bag of paint decks and I thought there was a better way and we could change the paint deck system and make it digital.” You can call the Nix Pro a real life color eyedropper tool which eradicates the guesswork out of color sensing forever. I presume all of you have tried picking up colors from your smartphone’s camera but to be honest, they are often far from being what the real color looks like. Being a color professional, you cannot take that big risk of going wrong with your color choice and that’s when a Nix Pro could come handy in your work life.
Since the sensor comes with comparing features, you can utilize it to track vital things in your everyday life like analyzing the ripeness of fruits, scanning your skin for a custom make-up and a lot more. So you can’t just call it an accessory for color professionals alone!
Ambient Light Will Never Spoil Your Color Captures
Now, to use the Nix Pro Color Sensor, you have to touch it to the color surface you want to capture and get notified with an accurate color reading on the corresponding smartphone app. Once you’ve scanned your color, you can save it, share it or even compare your color swatch with the Nix Android or iOS App. You’ll also get to view your scanned color in RGB, CMYK, HTML, L*AB, HSL and HSV color space on your smartphone. The App has been smoothly designed so that in case you want to use the color in some way or the other, it will direct you through an easy-to-use interface. What makes Nix more accurate is the fact that it blocks out ambient light and generates its’ own light source which is way more accurate than human eye or any fan deck.
Color Discovery Experience Available for $349
The Nix Pro design is buttonless and much simpler to use. Since the size is no bigger than a ping pong ball, you can travel with this pretty cool accessory lying in your bag and waiting for those special moments when you discover an awesome color. Ambient light will never be able to pollute those color shades while you capture them anymore. Already being used by experts in television, print design etc. worldwide, Nix Pro Color Sensor can be a part of your color discovery experience at a price of $349 only. Let’s merge the physical and digital world of color tones now! Happy Gadgeting!