Smart Herb Garden Originates an Impressive Indoor Gardening Technology Inspired From NASA Smart Soil

Smart Herb Garden Originates an Impressive Indoor Gardening Technology Inspired From NASA Smart Soil

At a time when deforestation rates are still going high throughout the planet with around 46-58 thousand square miles of forests lost each year (equivalent to 36 football fields every minute), it’s become necessary to think of solutions that can help us sustain greenery in our immediate surroundings without fail. The drastic environmental impact that can result due to the shortage of forests and greenery is not unknown to anyone today. Probably this awareness is what has resulted in a plethora of eco-friendly goods and necessities consumers have become accustomed to using these days. The concern now lies amongst each individual who are eager to maintain sustainability of nature by contributing through their small yet effective planting activities, both indoors and outdoors. Whilst this may sound nothing unconventional especially because indoor and outdoor gardening has been quite popular amongst people since Stone Age; what’s new is the use of smart technology in the enhancement of the overall process altogether.

Be it in the form of introducing smart irrigation solutions for your outdoor garden or growing plants indoors itself from lamps or in terrariums, natural sustenance of plants and herbs inside or outside the house has slowly become a favorite for both experienced and non-experienced gardeners. Although gardening has its own benefits in terms of keeping your surroundings healthy and fresh, it’s often a strenuous and messy process due to all the mud and dry leaves that needs to be taken care of in order to avoid a dirty atmosphere around the house. Most plants need frequent watering too which does seem like a vital process to keep them alive but is often one of the primary reasons because of which the nutrients within the soil gets washed away leaving nothing behind for your plants to thrive on. But Click & Grow’s Smart Herb Garden which had raised quite a large sum last year on Kickstarter has a different story that lets you grow your favorite herbs smartly without spending much of your money or effort.

Indoor gardening smart technology

Nanotechnology Inspires Greenery in the Kitchen

Coming with a smart nanotech material as a supplement for ordinary soil, the Smart Herb Garden enables you to grow your favorite herbs and spices at home itself. These include herbs like basil, thyme, lemon balm, chilli pepper etc. which comes in the form of cartridges you need to place inside the three sockets each Smart Herb Garden kit has. Apart from these basic herbs, you could get your hands on more cool stuff such as mini tomatoes and strawberries as well. Growing these naturally is often a pain because of the intricate efforts you need to put in terms of watering the plant time and again. In this case, however, the scenario is pretty different because of the high-end technology Click & Grow uses to sustain the plants. You won’t need to keep a check on water, nutrients or light solutions for your herbs everyday. All you need to do is just fill up the water tank and plug the garden on an electrical outlet. Rest is all taken care of automatically.

Smart Herb Garden grow plants indoors

After 3 years of rigorous research on this revolutionary technology in indoor gardening, Click & Grow wanted to come up with a replacement for normal soil which could not only help plants in growing but also provides them with the maximum amounts of nutrients and oxygen by maintaining a proper balance in doing so. Inspite of all this innovation and technology, the plants are still seen to grow like they do naturally. The artificial surroundings only boost them in growing well without taking away the charm behind the natural aspect of making plants grow. The nanotech material or the Smart Soil has been manufactured in a way which provides maximum aeration and maintains perfect pH balance so that your plants are always happy and healthy while they grow inside this stunner of a gardening device. To control irrigation, a Capillary Precision Irrigation (CPI) system is used which is smart enough to compensate for temperature changes and controls the daylight cycle automatically. The Hi-Tech Dual Coated fertilizers are again a precise addition which ensures your plants do not under or over fertilize at any point in time.

Healthy Source of Green Technology is Here

Another striking aspect of this smart gardening device is the lighting solution which is far better than traditional LED lights that are often harmful for children’s eyes and do not look too classy either. The inbuilt light system of Smart Herb Garden is way different and can provide your fresh herbs with a flux excelling 10,000 lux while adding only 3$ to your annual electricity bill. The LED technology is eye-friendly so that your kids can spend hours with this new gardening tool and learn to grow their favorite herbs anytime.

Smart Herb Garden refill cartridge

As FastCoDesign rightly says, “A nice solution for a tight space beset with bad lighting and an owner without the slightest farmer-esque tendencies.” But with all the automaticity the garden provides, you still need to be careful in certain areas falling under the common rules of gardening that includes not cutting down too many leaves or keeping your plants away from light for a long time. With that done well, you’ll not be far away in enjoying your favorite herbs in the kitchen and around the house in no matter of time. Currently, a full Smart Herb Garden setup will cost you $99.95 with cartridges coming at a price range of $6.95-$9.95. “Using biomimicry as the main source for inspiration and innovation” this plant grower is what we can term as a healthy source of green technology every individual needs to be a part of. Happy Gadgeting!

Madhurima Nag is the Head of Content at Gadget Flow. She side-hustles as a parenting and STEM influencer and loves to voice her opinion on product marketing, innovation and gadgets (of course!) in general.
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