Check-my-Temp Can Be Of Super Help For Monitoring Fever

Be it for kids or for the elderly, monitoring fever is nothing but a tedious job for all. You need to keep track of the temperature, their movements, sudden fall or anything serious and all of this does take a toll on you after a certain span of time. You want to make sure that you give them the perfect treatment but sometimes you just don’t know how to balance everything at the correct pace. You feel lost and terribly in need of a companion who could take you through the whole process with ease. It’s not a bad idea to have someone for help in such situations which is why I would recommend Check-my-Temp to you. You see, sometimes things might work best only if you switch your old thermometer with a wearable thermometer that not just monitors body temperature but the position and motion of your dear ones at the same time. Now that sounds cool, don’t you think?
Fear Out of Fever Monitoring Gone Forever
Check-my-Temp has been designed to continuously monitor fever accurately so that you and your loved ones can rest easy throughout the night. With the help of the corresponding mobile app, the thermometer is capable of sending you real time alerts so that you’re able to monitor your loved ones from anywhere and at any point in time. It will also let you attend to your loved ones by informing you whenever they are awake or have suddenly fallen. The thermometer is capable of recording the medication as well as the symptoms of your loved one so as to create a complete medical profile you can later use to consult with your doctor. Not only this, with the Check-my-Temp app you can actually connect with other users and build a healthier community in the long run.
Wearable Armband With Multi Temp Technology
Wearing Check-my-Temp is super easy and comfortable. It can be simply worn as an armband which comes with a Multi Temp technology (patent pending) that can provide the most accurate temperature readings (every 30 secs), irrespective of your arm position or the surrounding environmental temperature. You can choose among three modes of monitoring – Traditional Monitoring, At-Home Monitoring and Remote Monitoring/Sharing. Traditional Monitoring lets you use Check-my-Temp as a traditional thermometer.
Under the At-Home monitoring mode, you can pair it up with the corresponding app by using Bluetooth Low Energy and get the real time alerts directly on your smartphone. For the Remote Monitoring feature, the thermometer will send the data to the cloud for storage so that you can refer to it even when you are on the go and take necessary actions accordingly.
Enjoy Continuous Monitoring of Fever at Your Fingertips
Now, you might feel why is continuous monitoring of fever required at all? Well, according to research analysis, continuous monitoring of fever is not just useful but can be life saving at the same time. For example, children with epilepsy may have worsened seizures during fever, even at temperatures below 102 degree Fahrenheit. By keeping a tab on their body temperature continuously can be life saving here.
Also, when patients undergo surgery, fevers become a key indicator for sepsis or other life-threatening infections. Continuous monitoring of temperature will be life saving here too. Coming at a pre-order price of $30 (future retail price $60), Check-my-Temp can actually be the next best fever monitoring gadget for your home. Get one now and make the entire process of keeping a check on your family members during their days with fever easy and hassle free. Happy Gadgeting!