Get Equipped With These Sensational Gadget Treats to Make Your Ice-Cream Day a Lip-Smacking Celebration of Taste and Flavor

President Ronald Reagan had always considered ice-cream to be one of the most nutritious as well as delicious food 90% of his country’s population loved more than anything else. Even today, the statistics are really high which says that the U.S. ice cream industry alone generated total revenues of $10 billion in 2010. To add to this, about 9 percent of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream. Quite a number that is to signify how crazy we are in terms of fulfilling our desire in having ice-cream and candy treats every other day. Well, to frame it in a better way, you can say that you’re trying to keep the tradition going which was first started by Roman emperor Nero by bringing snow from the mountains and then freezing the flavored cream mixture. Good that he thought of such an innovation methodology in preparing frozen treats such as this or else we would have probably been debarred from enjoying this incredible form of deliciousness forever. It’s because of this recognition and importance that the ice-cream industry has amongst individuals that Ronald Reagan declared July as the National Ice Cream Month with the third Sunday as the National Ice Cream Day in 1984.
While the ice-cream shops have already geared with freebies and discounts for the upcoming Ice-Cream Day celebrations on July 20, we try to take the scenario to a different level with our ever friendly gadget collection. Making homemade ice-cream treats to serving them on ice bowls or enjoying Star Wars chocolates as complementary additions – let’s have a look at what our gadget storehouse has to offer for all ice-cream freaks around the globe today!
A perfect wall decal for your kid’s bedroom that can make your little ones fantasize their favorite ice-cream flavors even in the middle of the night. Each package consists of 46 decals that have 10 printed ice-cream scoops, 1 waffle cone, 1 sugar cone, 2 printed cherries and 30 printed sprinkles. It’s upto you how you want to pair it all up and make your kid’s room look no less than an ice-cream parlor.
Step into a new world of ice-cream scoops which has been shaped like an ice-cream itself. The metal and plastic body is so beautifully merged with the design that you have to really make sure none of your guests mistake it as a real ice-cream during parties.
Coming in three delicious flavors, this inedible lamp is a treat to have on Ice-Cream Day parties because it’s not everyday when you see an ice-cream glowing bright in the room. You may lick it if wanted but never make an effort to eat it anyday.
Deni Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker
Ice-Cream day is a celebration of all frozen treats you prefer to have and Deni makes it possible within 20-30 minutes. Frozen yogurt, sherbet, sorbet, slushes and ofcourse ice-cream, making upto 1-quart of your favorite frozen treat is not difficult anymore.
Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Lock
Since the Ice-Cream month is here, you got to worry about losing your favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor from those stealing eyes of roommates and siblings for sure. This 3-digit locking system will ensure your ice-cream stays yours.
Cuisipro Ice Cream Scoop And Stack
If you’re looking forward to presenting your ice-cream treats in a more creative and well-designed way, this scoop and stack is surely going to be of great help. Especially for those who prefer to live a chef’s life during everyday kitchen hours.
You’d hate to see your real ice-cream this way but as a door stopper, it does sound like a great idea. For ice-cream freaks and quirky product collectors, time to change your door stop into a more creative looking device.
Cuisinart Mix-It-In Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker
Like an authentic soft serve ice-cream machine, this is the best way you can prepare upto 1-1 1/2 quarts of ice-cream within 20-30 minutes. Swirl the handle and be identical to a professional ice-cream server while partying this weekend.
Chocolates and ice-creams always go well together and when it’s got a Marvel comic universe on display, the story becomes all the more delicious than before. Pair up your ice-cream treats with these quirky chocolates using the Batman and Superman shaped molds and taste the magic for yourself.
Fresh Food Freezer Pops
Apart from ice-creams, the best thing you could have for your little ones are these freezer pops made from nutritious fruits. Creaminess of ice-creams are always desirable but sometimes a frozen icy treat is also a good thing to have for a change.
With that list, it’s hard to imagine the Ice-Cream month not being a wonderful celebration for all. Time for a party with everyone’s favorite chilled desires you can’t avoid having again and again. Happy Gadgeting!